McGill’s Internship Program
麦吉尔大学的实习项目为优秀的学生提供了将课堂知识和理论与实践相结合的机会, hands-on work experience. Internships are typically offered over the summer, as students explore a career in engineering, landscape architecture, marketing, accounting, human resources, or other professional fields of interest.
Engineering Interns
工程实习生根据自己的兴趣被安排在一个团队中, academic level, and experience, 他们将在哪里与注册专业人士和设计人员一起工作,以获得每项任务的相关经验. By working across offices and disciplines, students gain exposure to various geographical regions, different types of clients and projects, 和具体的软件,以提高他们对学科和咨询工程的理解.
麦吉尔大学为攻读土木工程学位的学生提供带薪实习机会, environmental, biological systems, mechanical, electrical, or a related field from an ABET-accredited university. 这个项目竞争非常激烈,要求所有学生都要经过严格的面试.
- 土木/现场团队- ashville, Hickory, Raleigh和Shallotte办事处
- 水/废水处理团队-诺克斯维尔,阿什维尔,山胡桃和松赫斯特办事处
- Mechanical team – Asheville office
- Electrical team – Asheville and Hickory offices
- Water resources (stormwater) team – Raleigh office
Finding Your Path: Internships at McGill
Internships at McGill
Here at McGill, 从实习生到高级管理层,你在bet356体育ios下载的各个阶段都受到重视. We not only offer support and guidance to interns and new hires, 但我们也相信,应该给他们足够的机会,让他们提出新的想法,向我们展示他们的能力. Many of our staff started out their careers as interns, and they are now serving as mentors to the next generation. 让学生在学术生涯的早期就参加实习,可以让他们更好地了解工程学科,并找到可能适合他们的专业领域. That’s a win-win for you and McGill!
Shadow a McGill Professional for a Day
麦吉尔专业人士喜欢与后代分享他们对工作的热爱. 我们为学生提供机会,通过跟随团队成员一天来深入了解特定领域. For more information, please contact us at
Hear From Our Interns
“我在麦吉尔实习的那段时间不仅坚定了我追求工程事业的决定, 但也让我在一个让我兴奋的领域获得了宝贵的经验. 我一直被视为一个有价值的团队成员,我很感激在一个环境中工作
fosters success.”
“我抓住机会在麦吉尔实习,因为这将是一个伟大的简历,最终, I saw this as a chance that I could not pass on.”
“实习让我亲眼看到了公司,亲眼看到了公司的文化. 我能够看到经理们希望看到我作为一个个体在bet356体育ios下载中取得进步. 他们对我的成长很感兴趣,很有可能成为一名项目经理, maybe even the president of the company one day.”