“在麦吉尔, I am regularly problem solving with team members who share freely from their wealth of knowledge and experience. Their influence has helped me grow as an engineer to a degree that cannot be overstated.”
“McGill’s Electrical Team takes pride in working together as a team, 在办公室, 完成项目. Collaboration is key to providing clients with needed designs.”
“McGill has been so supportive of my learning and growing professionally over the years. I’ve always felt like an essential part of the team.”
McGill offers a welcoming environment for individuals who are just starting out in their careers, 那些想要进一步发展事业的人, and those who are looking for a new and challenging role. Our inclusive culture promotes employee involvement, 职业成长与发展, and the highest level of integrity in the work that we do. Just as we are out there cultivating relationships with customers and shaping communities through our services, we are also putting out effort to create a healthy workplace culture among staff in our eight offices.
- 有竞争力的薪水
- 假期、病假和假期工资
- 401(k)计划和雇主匹配
- 支付专业执照费
- 绩效奖金
- 采用援助
- 新员工推荐奖金
- 免费财务规划
- 健康保险
- 视觉覆盖
- 处方药保险
- 医疗报销计划
- Flexible spending account (health and dependent care)
- 牙齿保险
- 短期和长期残疾
- 团体及自愿定期人寿保险
- Flexible schedules to promote work / life balance
- 员工答谢活动
- 青年专业人士组
- 任期奖
- 团队驱动文化
- 公司赞助的社交活动
- 年度评审和持续反馈
- 参加专业组织
- 学费援助
- 付费专业会员
- bet356体育ios下载轨迹
- 探索多学科项目
- 专业发展机会